In past few years, Digital Marketing has advanced a lot. Many Companies still have apprehensions about it. Why?
Going with the topic, it’s quite interesting to know that the Marketing Concept is becoming smarter and smarter day by day. Trust me, it has been!
Off late and even today, many firms prefer client pitch with multiple meetings by visiting the client irrespective of the domain or product or service you are working upon. Be it hi-tech engineering tools for some kind of risk assessment or chip development for heavy industries or some FMCG line of business. I am not denying from visiting the client. Visit them but smartly!
When you are confident about the new or existing product or service, it’s always advisable to do your homework well in advance. Change your way of presenting the Company credentials to the client. Don’t just give the presentation as a part of your duty or to meet your pitching targets. Rather make a smart attempt. Create a visual case study showcasing what you can contribute to further grow the client’s business expecting them to invest in your project. Make it more kind of teaser presentation where the client is left to ponder to know more about the mentioned probable risks. Send the case study online. Let the client take their time to go through the visual representation and allow them to contact you for a further meeting. In this way, you will end up saving on a lot of tiring journey with least expectation of prospect conversion.
There are times when the prospect might not pay attention to your presentation or may delay it further to read in leisure or might forget amidst several works. Being a marketer, you need to be cautious all time with an intention to make the prospect see your presentation with complete attention.
Let me quote an example. There are many risk ASSESSMENT companies in the market. They are always mistaken with Risk INSPECTION companies which are a small part of insurance companies. The Risk Inspectors generally follow Insurance Company’s guideline in order to prepare the insurable amount of property or goods or a defined service which is certainly right on their part. Whereas, the Risk ASSESSMENT companies are a dedicated bunch of professionals who in turn physically visits the agreed property, identifies the underlying or probable risks and then prepare a report on authenticity basis with projections mentioned in percentage. Here the Risk Assessment companies fail big time as they assume their work will someday bring results in the market and expect it to be a word of mouth promotion! That is certainly possible but you also need to see the target market. You need to be sure like your assumption that you get such receptive client as a long-term client. Understand, the insurance companies are in the market decades before any such concept of ASSESSING the Risk. Even today, clients are happy to simply ensure their business whole or partially without bothering about the type and amount of threat to the insured business. Another example, assume there is a textile company. One of their production unit needs a complete makeover as it’s been running for a longer period. In the meanwhile, the Textile company decides to shift their production unit to other location leaving the existing to rot. Still, the company owner will happily prefer to insure the previous unit rather putting that money to required restoration. Why? It is because the traditional way of doing business has so much overpowered our brain that we tend to ignore or consider it a waste to embrace new initiatives. In such scenario, the target market needs to be taught about the product and services through many visual presentations and Digital Marketing so as to successfully position itself in the market. And then plan to meet the target audience to initiate the second level of conversation rather getting into field pitching with no assurance of client conversion. This is why Digital Marketing has become so important in today’s business world.
Will discuss more Digital Marketing Technique in the coming blog posts.
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